Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting all settled In

These are some pictures of our honeymoon. The white monument is a more recently made monument. It is in Rome and the people actually call it the "cake monument", because it gets so dirty and they are continually having to wash it off. The Coliseum, of course, was so amazing to see. It is really beautiful, yet to think of all the Christians that lost their lives there was truly sobering. The next is a shot of Mark and me at the leaning tower of Pisa. It really was hard to spiral up the stairs inside. The last picture is of the French Riviera. It was a "once in a life time" trip and I'm so very thankful that we were able to go.

I love my new home!!
Mark and I flew to Oregon on the 25th of July after our honeymoon. We then had to go to Idaho about four days later for Mark's grandfather's funeral. We arrived back in bend about a week later. The big truck with all my stuff came on Aug. 16th and I've had so much fun trying to put a house together for the first time on my own. I had everything out of the boxes within two days and up on the walls. As I walk through my house I found most of the things I cherish most are from my Grandmother. It is so neat to be able to look at something and be able to have so many wonderful memories about it.

1 comment:

mom and dad said...

LOVE IT! Definitly reveals your roots both in items and decorating.